m2c microscopy measurement & calibration
Software development and consulting
Software development

Do you need special software solutions for your applications or, for your research activities in the field of 3D microscopy, data analysis or image processing? We analyze your tasks and offer you thorough concepts and develop your application, no matter what operating system (Windows, MacOS or Linux), no matter if stand-alone applications, or, plug-in solutions (SPIP or others). We are experienced in developing data processing software, 2D and 3D image processing, as well as FIB automation programming (scripting).
Do you have special questions concerning the geometrical calibration of your microscope? We will pleased to give you advise and help you with our know-how and long-term experience. Besides or 3D calibration we provide calibration standards and software from third party providers. In addition, we develop dedicated calibration samples and software solutions for your special requirements.
Calibration service
Do you want your microscope being calibrated? You just perform the calibration measurement of the reference structure with your microscope by yourself and send us the data. We will calibrate your device on the basis of these data and provide you with the 3D calibration parameters and the measurement correction software. In this case, you only have to purchase the 3D reference structure and the calibration service.